Saturday, March 10, 2007

You say attacked, I say reconciled differences!

Omg LOL, Monte Python Magic Set

Ah the joys of different perspectives on media :). The BBC's title for bush's visit to Brazil (Chavez attacks Bush 'domination') gives a nice contrast to CNN's title for the same event (Bush shrugs off Chavez's taunts). Undoubtedly they're just trying to write what would sell the most papers, so the US posts something a bit optimistic while BBC appeals to its crowd's distaste for American politics.

A recent suggestion to reduce prison sentences if prisoners donate organs scares the crap out of me. Prison conditions being what they are, I can easily see a prison guard beating an inmate until they agree to donate an organ. You've got 2 choices *smack*. You can either choose to stay here for another 2 years, or donate your kidney and go home 8 months early *smack*. Which is it going to be? The people inside prisons are people too. Prisoners in China already have their organs forcibly taken from them, while they're still alive too. I don't want to see US prisoners taken in this direction >:-(

In other news, a moose wins in a 1 on 1 battle with a helicopter, and a rabbit overcomes the odds in a one on one battle with a snake. (This one needs audio for maximum hilarity =D)

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