Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Something's not right...

I'm really confused. Radical Australian Muslims are declaring it's Un-Islamic to pay taxes. So they're actively encouraging people to tax dodge and do anything they can to avoid paying taxes. These guys in Australia really need to stop giving Islam so much bad PR, it's already under fire from radicals in the east. In all honesty, if you're shooting for ursurping your local government, do it quietly and strike when you have enough support. Which makes me wonder if they do have enough support o.O. Christianity went through a similar deal in its roots, but Christ had the makings of a politician: "Give to Ceasar what belongs to Ceasar, but give to God what belongs to God." -- Jesus (Luke 20:25). I can hear the contemporary aeitheists of his time: I'm also giving me what belongs to me!

India Tech Schools are Shutting off the Internet during the night so kids will get off their asses. School officials are complaining that the Internet is turning people anti-social. I have to agree with them somewhat, because the Internet encourages you to keep in touch with the people you know, rather than those around you. Although, my favorite quote from the article is: "Comments on student blogs make the obvious point that there are other reasons for students to stay up late and sleep through lectures than the internet." To which, I reply with this video.

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